Mittwoch, 6. August 2008

Last Holiday

I'm just back from my last real summer holiday! I had a great time in Switzerland with 150 other great people on a 2000 m high mountain named Engstligenalp. I could enjoy every moment there since I was lucky to stay well and don't get sick during Camp as well as I never froze in the night or had problems with my tent or whatever.... Also I wasn't ever punished to do the dishes or prepare breakfast. That was nice! Thanks Joel and Sophie ;-)

But what I really enjoyed most was the amazing atmosphere during singing, family prayers, silent time while the sun was rising, talks, conversations, preparing dinner for 150 people, caregroups, at the campfire, while having fun, whenever, however and wherever... it really was a great and blessed time.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this wonderful Camp!

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