Freitag, 6. Februar 2009

Weekend in Germany

Last week Wednesday I flew back to Germany for a longer weekend for the baptism of my little niece! So Wednesday that week to this week Monday i spent in Cologne with my sister and brother in law and their two daughters and eventually my entire family and some friends! It was great seeing everyone after being away from home for 5 months and not seeing part of my family for even half a year! When I saw Nele, my older niece, she smiled such a big smile at me as if she had remembered me from half a year ago :) And Anna, my little baby niece, is just about to start smiling and they are both just very very sweeet! I really enjoyed my time in Cologne and it was quite hard to say good bye again for another 6 months after seeing them for only a few days.

Me and Nele

Me and Anna


It's good to be back in England anyway. This week has been exciting as it snowed quite a lot on Monday and Tuesday so that Tuesday was actually a snow day which meant a day off from work just because it was too dangerous to get on the streets and try to get to work and also most of the schools had a snow day and were closed as well. Yes, England goes crazy once it snowed more than 10 cm.... ;)

In the snow on the way home from work.

just snow

Chaos on the road due to an unusual lot of snowfall! We were trying (with success in the end) to maneuver our little team car through the narrow street...

By the way. When I was in Germany, wise as I am I went to a doctor (although I was feeling really well that day but just to get ckecked by a proper doctor) and she found some rest redness and swelling and gave me something against that and also something for if it started hurting again. So it did of course start to hurt again, I took that stuff and then everything was fine. Imagine what happens? I come back to England and it starts hurting again. I'm allergic against England I think. Also at the moment our office is freezing cold, just because the room we call our office is very big and the radiators we have obviously can't heat up that much of a room. But fortunately I have my best friend the german hot waterbottle which does an amazing job at keeping me warm wherever I am! :)

Now I'm looking forward to tomorrow cause I'm going to spend the day in Manchester with some german friends! And Anne and I decided on each buying a pair of these ultra hipp wellies everyone wears nowadays! :) We'll see what comes out of that!

Samstag, 24. Januar 2009

Hello again!

I'm sorry you haven't heard anything from me in quite a while. The last post was at half term... now the first term is over and the second term has already started after Christmas.
I've had an "interesting" time the past few weeks cause I've been ill for a long time. What started with a cough turned into a cold, then a chest infection, then everything was ok for three days and then I got Tonsillitis, so since Monday I'm on antibiotics for the 3rd time within 9 weeks and I'm improving slowly. I'm actually feeling quite good now, though I still feel my throat when I swallow and I'm still coughing but all in all I feel like I'll be able to go to work again on Monday evantually!

Exciting things happened too (hardly imaginable when you sit at home for weeks...). I became and auntie for the second time!! :) My sister had her second baby girl just after Christmas and she is called Anna Noelle and is very sweet of course and my older niece, Nele Fiona, is a happy and proud big sister now! And unless my health goes rapidly down again the next few days I will fly to Cologne on Wednesday and stay there for the rest of the week to see my family and nieces and celebrate Anna's baptism! It will be the first flight on my own....

Then of course Christmas itself was very interesting since I stayed in England and experienced it in a different way than I'm used to. It was indeed different and not always easy not to be at home during that time, but i'm sure it wasn't wrong to see it celebrated in just another way.

The time after Christmas was a bit tough due to stupid illness but there were nice times and my hostfamily cared for me very lovely, last Monday my team came round to my house after work to visit me and cheer me up a bit and they brought a bag full of gorgeous sweets and happy makers like super bubbles and a children word search book.... :) Lovely team I have!

Anyways, I'm looking forward to starting work again on Monday which might sound weird to some people but if you imagine being at home for three weeks you might feel the same!

Okay, here come some pictures of nice happenings :)

(to see the pictures in big, click at them)

A beautiful morning in Marple

A really good day in Manchester with my german girls Anne and Ina and our American guy Jarrett, drinking Gluehwein on the German Christmas Market in Manchester!! :)

This was on a walk over the hills of Charlesworth, a next door village, on Boxing Day. The weather was cold but beautiful and we had an excellent view even unto Liverpool.

This is my new born niece Anna Noelle...

...and this my proudbigsister niece Nele Fiona :)

the advent candle in our office

a bit of modern art in Sheffield... the long building in the background is in fact very old, very ugly, and no one lives in there anymore and there are holes in it and it can't be knocked down because it's landmarked. ha ha.

Robert, Daniel, me and Uli in front of some random water fountains in Sheffield.

Me and 4 yearold Elijah (my "host cousin") on a cold January day on a playground. He suddenly saw an ice cream car stopping nearby and desperately wanted some of course! a good man.

God bless you!