Sonntag, 2. November 2008

Half Term

Hi guys!!

Great feature of my superdupercooli camera... colour change thingy or however that's called in English... I love it!

I've just had a wonderful half term! Monday and Tuesday were off. I went for a long walk with my host family and my host mum's cousin's family. It was dead cold and rainy at the beginning but though it stayed cold the whole time the sun came out later in the day and I really enjoyed the walk. In England they have the most interesting "Public Footpaths" I've ever seen in my life! They either lead you trough the toughest muddy deep puddle forest thingy or over sheep and cow meadows. And even through people's gardens. Sometimes it's also a normal path, like something you can actually walk on.

Me on a "public footpath"!! Next to some family's chickens. And in the small shed on the left there was a goat, I could have just taken them all with me.

After this really freezing walk we went for a curry which just means we went to an Indian Restaurant. I think my food didn't have any curry in it, don't know why they call it a curry then... And that food was massive! The starter almost could have been enough for me! And then the real meal. Huge. It was really tasty but just so incredibly much! I really felt like just falling asleep right where I was sitting, I was so full! But indeed good food!

Wednesday Thursday Friday was Fresh Conference. That means all the Pais teams set all over GB met in Manchester for some more seminars, some refreshings of seminars we heard at Foundational Training, sharing experiences, showing ministry, stealing other team's ideas, going shopping in Manchester and having a really good time together!
Natalie, Sarah, Alex, Anne, Laura, Ina, me

It was so nice to see them all again, seemed like ages although it was just 5 weeks! And the next time we meet with the whole group is in 4 months!! That's an awful lot of time in between...

Most of the weekend I spent with Steph, the only girl from church in my age, and her parents. We went for a nice lunch somewhere and afterwards I got to know the "Trafford Center" which is a massive shopping center near Manchester! It's got shops on two floors and each floor is one mile long! And it's got everything! Really huge! And I had a horrible encounter with a spider, it was in the car, at first we couldn't say surely that it was a spider but Steph and I were looking at it - frightened - and then it moved and we both screamed at the same time so we had to stop on the next car park where we both jumped out of the car and her dad had to save us and remove that terrible animal thing. Scary. Probably not at all as scary as what Syllie has to face and live with in Cameroon... but still. Uuaaah!! Anyway.
On the way back home that night I heard the song "Top of the world" in the car and when I came into the house I just sang the chorus of that song about 15 times thinking no one was at home and if so supposing they would just tell me to shut up after three chorusses. I knew definitely my host parents were away and I was pretty sure my two host brothers were as well. So I just sang that song in an incredibly loud volume (it was 11pm) and had my fun with it. And today I found out that Jake, one of my host brothers, actually was at home. That was indeed funny, I couldn't believe it!

Tomorrow I will start a thing that is completely new to me. Susanne, last year's Pais worker in the church I'm in now, started a kids club called "The Incredibles" where in each session they talked about one Incredible from the Bible (like e.g. David, Solomon, Jesus) and played games and made crafts on the topic. I'm going to restart it now and I've really no idea how it's going to be as I've never lead any kids club before! And I won't describe myself as a creative person which would actually be quite a good skill but anyway. I'm really excited about it and I'm glad I won't do the sessions alone, some nice ladies will always be with me to help and support me keeping all the six to ten year old girls in peace... And by the way, Jesus will be with me as well, I'm quite sure about that. (Cool, I've got the most incredible person in the world with me, I just realized that.)
So if you'd like to support me in some way you could definitely pray for me leading the Incredibles each Monday evening and also the upcoming Saturday where we're going to have "The Incredibles' Party". I really hope the kids will like it!

That's news from me. Hope you are all doing well wherever you are! Please let me know how you are doing, I'm interested in how everyone is!!

God bless!